Rieko, who lost her husband at a young age, lives with her daughter and her husband. She gets along well with her daughter's husband, Shinji, and lives an ordinary but happy life. One day, Rieko witnesses her daughter and Shinji arguing about sex. It seems that her daughter doesn't like sex, and keeps refusing even when Shinji asks for it. Worried, Rieko talks to her daughter, but she doesn't listen to her. Then, by chance, Rieko comes across Shinji pleasuring himself. Surprised and upset, Rieko takes an unexpected action. "My responsibility as my daughter's mother is also my responsibility..." says Rieko as she grabs Shinji's penis. At first, it was only supposed to be a handjob... but then he starts giving her a blowjob... and then he starts having sex... Rieko desperately resists Shinji, who can't stop...